I lacked confidence and it showed in my work. I longed to be bold, but was weak and nervous. Paul can guide you on a journey of rediscovery and development, building your confidence week by week. You will be supported, encouraged and inspired, sometimes with just a few words, sometimes unearthing an essence and reconnecting you with something within. The very best teachers can extract something you didn’t know existed ; Paul is one.
— Jane Hunt
Paul is a truly gifted teacher and is perfect for any level of experience. He teaches you how to really look at a subject, how to express what you feel and how to mark make to achieve vibrant, living images. He has transformed my stuff.
— Rodger Williams - Life drawing: extreme poses class
Paul’s observations and comments are succinct and to the point, he is sensitive to the journey one is on, will applaud a quality piece of work, but will also let one know, perhaps not directly in as many words when one has fallen short.
— Bob Fowles
In Paul’s class you have to leave all preconceptions at the door and are forced to navigate life drawing from a totally different perspective. At the beginning I was very timid,I had picked up a lot of unhelpful habits and was focused on creating a finished or accurate drawing.

Over time my approach has become looser, larger, more organic and a lot more enjoyable. Paul has an ability to identify exactly what each student needs to progress and helps you to get there in your own time with just the right amount of guidance.
— Helena Gibson - Life drawing: extremem poses