
The reasons why I teach

  • It is a process of sharing.

  • Communication with yourself and others.

  • Teaching is a part of my painting practice, existing as a two way path, painting is part of the teaching, they feed each other

  • Isolation is dangerous.

  • I have seen lights go on when someone who is drawing realises they are not copying, they are expressing what they feel. The drawing changes and moves to a new level, and they go with it.

  • There is no one style, no one technique, only a driving force that looks and connects.

  • I have seen collective energy in a class reach a refreshing and positive level rewarding results that are infectious.

  • We draw in our own way, sometimes unable to recognise our own individual contribution, removing the judgment call and realising that learning to see is the essential to experiencing drawing.

  • To look is to see, to see is to touch, to touch is to know.